Darcy Cox, Psy.D., R.Psych.

Board Certified in Clinical Neuropsychology, ABPP

BC Registration 1788

Dr. Darcy Cox is a board-certified neuropsychologist practicing in Vancouver, British Columbia.  Dr. Cox earned her Doctorate in Psychology from the Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology in 1999. She completed her clinical internship at the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center and a National Multiple Sclerosis Society fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco. After her fellowship, Dr. Cox began a faculty position in the Department of Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco and in 2003, she opened a private practice in San Francisco specializing in clinical and forensic neuropsychological evaluations. In 2008, Dr. Cox immigrated to Vancouver, British Columbia.  She has worked as a neuropsychologist at Vancouver General Hospital in the Geriatric Psychiatry Outreach Team program and as a Senior Psychology Advisor at WorkSafeBC.  She is now in full-time private practice performing independent neuropsychological assessments with adults.

Dr. Cox has been accepted as an neuropsychological expert by the Supreme Court of British Columbia and by state and federal courts in the United States.

She is also available as a neuroscience script consultant for film and television.

Dr. Cox is not accepting new referrals in 2025. 

Mailing Address: 

Cox Neuropsychological Services, Inc.

PO Box 77047

Vancouver RPO Kingsway Knight

Vancouver, BC V5V 5E7

Office Address:

2225 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6K 2E4

Tel: 778-318-8124

Fax:  866-200-5837

darcycoxpsyd (at) gmail (dot) com